

4 min read

How to accelerate digital transformation with nearshore and offshore

This may be getting repetitive, but the Covid-19 pandemic and social isolation rocked all companies in the global market, quickly changing the rules of engagement.

Overnight, corporations had to adapt their business plans and strategies in order to continue operating and survive the crisis. 

Digital Transformation – which was already knocking on our doors – has become more than mandatory: inevitable. And that’s where nearshore and offshore solutions come into play. 

In this article, we will talk about how these two strategies – together or separately – can make all the difference for your company to scale processes, realign objectives, remain competitive, and accelerate your digital transformation. Read on!

The 100% remote and digital world

You may have heard that we are living in a VUCA world. This concept, which suffered much resistance before becoming accepted, is an acronym for the words Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous. And it makes more and more sense in our current scenario. 

Yes, the world is remote, and that’s not news. The moments of uncertainty that we experience today only enhance the transformation process. The advent and consolidation of remote work is closely linked to digital transformation. 

The global context

It is a fact: the Covid-19 pandemic left its mark and changed the rules for corporations, making them plunge headlong into Digital Transformation. This subject was on the agenda for a long time, but in the blink of an eye, it became reality.

  • In the United States, 16 million workers started working remotely in March 2020 alone. 
  • Almost 74% of CFOs plan to move at least 5% of their employees – who worked in offices – to permanent remote positions. 
  • Currently, 75% of companies outsource IT services, while 87% plan to outsource at the same rate or higher. 
  • The Oxford Business Group predicts that the global business process outsourcing sector will be worth $ 250 billion later this year. 
  • Business process outsourcing in the Philippines accounts for 10 to 15% of the global Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) market.

Considering the scarcity of talent in technology, outsourcing is becoming even more desirable, as it solves a number of problems – from the acceleration of digital transformation in companies that were not yet fully aligned to the reduction of software development costs. 

This new environment and the growing number of successful outsourcing case studies have made entrepreneurs understand that remote work and outsourcing are viable options for keeping their companies growing during the crisis.

The MJV way

Here at MJV, we believe that crises have two sides: there is risk and there is innovation. Our goal, therefore, is to be available for every opportunity, while aware of every risk.

We no longer see borders, we believe that there are no more limits. Our projects always seek to soften barriers through technology – or rather, multiple technologies. 

Being at the forefront of innovation is always the goal. Design Thinking and Agile, which are a part of our DNA, help us a lot in this process. From there, we were able to pave the way for the turning point of Digital Transformation. 

Nearshore + Offshore: the best of both worlds

The world is increasingly connected. Internet, 5G, cloud solutions, IoT, Data Science… Technology evolves and shortens distances, so no place is out of reach.

Virtual, remote, and technological solutions are increasingly urgent. We believe that combining creativity and technology is an effective formula for solving challenges, shortening distances, and increasing productivity.

Why invest in it?

In moments of crisis, such as the one we are experiencing today, some questions arise. 

  • How can we return to previous models?
  • Will there be new models that offer the same competitive edge?
  • Before the pandemic, 30% of the world produced everything in China to lower operation costs. Where will these operations go?

The model we know is highly dependent on globalization. Any reason that makes this globalization stop – like a pandemic – stops the world as well. We saw an almost complete interruption in the production of goods and services. At least in the molds that we are used to seeing: on a large scale and in China.  

On the other hand, we arrived at a scenario in which constant physical interaction is no longer a fundamental factor for the success of a process or project. Not being physically connected is not a barrier to quality delivery.  

That’s where Digital Transformation and the outsourcing model come in: a combination of nearshore and offshore that ensures that operations are not paralyzed, even in the context of a crisis. 

It is through this model, combined with digital transformation, that teams comprised of members from different continents can work together in an integrated fashion. 

What does the nearshore + offshore model guarantee?

We are creating a new paradigm and in this new normal, physical contact takes a back seat. Distances are being erased by technology, not to mention its other benefits, like:

  • Non-paralyzed operations
  • Scalability of processes
  • Exponential results
  • Competitiveness
  • Dismissing a team from the office
  • Decrease in costs

expanding your team remotely has become quick, flexible, and inexpensive.

  • First-rate talent
  • Cutting-edge security
  • Cultural compatibility
  • Extended working hours

Where to start?

Now that you’ve understood how your company can accelerate digital transformation through nearshore + offshore solutions, it’s time to take the next steps.

  1. Understand your context

Identify and analyze your needs, difficulties, and challenges. This is where the details of the project you want to execute, its conception, deadlines, risks, perspectives, and prices will come from.

  1. Defend your idea

To justify an investment in nearshore + offshore, cost will always be an issue. Saving money is a priority for any company, but other factors must also be remembered. 

Taking into account infrastructure, staff, and scalability of processes and projects, the outsourcing is exponential. And this gains even more weight when we consider the return on investment and the level of quality. 

  1. Right on target: the right tech

What technologies will you need to bring inside your home to make your project feasible? Remember that this is also a key turning point for your Digital Transformation!

Here at MJV, we have experts in:

  • Data Science
  • Software Development
  • DevSecOps
  • BI & Big Data
  • Front End
  • Development Back End
  • Development FullStack
  • Security and Vulnerabilities
  • QA
  • Mobile Development
  • Android
  • iOS
  • Cloud Services
  • Automation
  1. Selecting the best

Know what technologies you will be working within time to select the best technical talents according to the needs of your project. A highly qualified, experienced, and targeted IT workforce guarantees a good deal of success!

  1. Ask for help!

The task of embarking on a nearshore + offshore initiative is not a simple one. Although the global market may seem full of options, finding the perfect team for your project can be more difficult than expected. 

Look for a partner company that meets all the requirements: expertise, great talent, preferential location, and competitiveness. 

How about we sit down to discuss your company’s challenges? Let’s have a (virtual) coffee to brainstorm solutions together! Get in touch with our experts. 
