

3 min read

6 tips for working remotely successfully

“So where is your office?” – Nowadays this question isn’t really applicable. The modern conception of ‘work place’ is no longer attached to a specific address.

Even though it may seem like a new scenario, Working Remotely is no novelty. In fact, it’s a movement that presents a highly accentuated growth curve. The term already bears the nickname of ‘trend’, and appears on every annual report. 

The world has been demanding new conventions to redefine presence for some time now. Apart from guaranteeing deliverables with more efficiency than the days of physical offices. 

This mindset, which happens to function very well in uncertain scenarios, promotes gains such as:

  1. Redefine business
  2. Lower costs
  3. Maximize productivity
  4. Scale high impact results
  5. Time-to-market
  6. Lower turnover

Every day it becomes clearer that a company’s largest assets are it’s people. It is precisely because of this that working remotely is gaining more and more relevance in the market. This had been a major stumbling block for companies that still have difficulty working remotely.

The Future of Working Remotely

If you are waiting for the moment when work experience changes completely, we are advising you that it has already happened.

It’s not difficult to imagine that the transformations brought about by constantly emerging new technologies can have an impact not only on your clients, but your employees as well.

Society’s behavioral changes urgently demand drastic changes to our Work Managment.

Looking at the here and now, we realize that the future of work is agile, remote and dynamic. 

This change is even more necessary in these uncertain times and to facilitate the transition, we bring you six useful tips. 

Write down these six tips for working remotely efficiently

1- Sharing culture

Working on something new? Share it with your team. It’s things like this that create a sensation of belonging to a group. It lowers the white noise in your communication. And you better believe it also lowers the amount of re-working as well. It’s here that you’ll find efficiency walking hand in hand with motivation. 

Clear and open communication is the key for everything to easy workflow and even better results. 

2- Everything is about how you manage your time

This can initially seem like a scary thought, but it isn’t!

Draw up a routine for yourself that is practical and functional. View organizing your day as a necessity, giving you the possibility to use your time more flexibly, guranteing higher quality performance on your tasks. 

And remember: the fact that you are working from home does not mean that you live at work, got it? It’s about efficiency rather than hours worked.

3- Take advantage of your tools

Tools are remote teams’ best friends. Use and abuse the digital tools at your disposal to help develop your projects and facilitate activity management.

4- Be loyal to Agile methodologies

Agile methodologies are capable of increasing your team’s results exponentially, you better believe it.

Daily, Planning, Retrospectives and Feedback are responsible not only for the transparency of deliverables but also inspection and adaptation to change, as well as error management. That’s not even taking into account that they also allow for the client to become part of the team, promoting a closeness that is crucial for the success of any project.

Is your company not running on Agile? Take a dive into this universe.

5- Adequate Space

Due to the cultural change that is necessary for the implementation of efficient remote work, productive protagonism no longer depends on a physical space.

To reach better results, find a comfortable place that conveys the feeling of being the best place to get work done. Then get to it.

6- It’s important to be prepared for anything: who is your partner in this?

A good companion can help a lot in this transition period.

2020 is cementing itself as the year with the greatest demand for working remotely worldwide. It’s necessary to take measures so that emergency situations don’t transform into chaotic experiences. 

Spoiler: Some help from a good partner can make all the difference.

If you have any doubts or questions about Managing your Remote Work, we can have a chat, just get in contact with us.
