

4 min read

Top 5 Benefits of Chatbots for Your Business

If you have the impression that you have been talking to more bots lately, know that you are not mistaken.

At the Facebook Developer Conference, David Marcus, Vice President of Facebook Message Products, revealed that the number of active bots in Messenger has risen from 100,000 to 300,000 in just one year. As you can see, spreading your message to a large public is one of the greatest benefits of chatbots.

Although surprising, the growth of this type of strategy is more than justified: chatbots bring a lot of benefits to organizations and the market has realized that. Reducing costs, generating leads, and improving the user experience are just a few examples.

To help you understand more about it, MJV will produce a series with articles on chatbots. To get started, you will know the key benefits of the tool for your business.

Reduce operational costs

One of the biggest benefits of chatbots in a company is cost savings. According to Chatbots Magazine, using this tool helps reduce customer service expenses by up to 30%.

It is necessary to consider the reduction of operational costs related not only to the number of calls received and made, but also to the duration of those calls. After all, even when the human service is activated, the bots are able to do an initial screening, which reduces the customer service response time, for example.

In addition, another benefit is the reduction of manpower. It is increasingly clear that bots alone solve real user problems. When implemented successfully, they are even able to perform sales, scheduling, queries, among others. With this, it is possible to work with leaner service teams.

Ensure scalable service

Although it is associated with cost savings, the issue of scalability can be seen as a benefit apart from the use of chatbots. After all, we are in the age of messages: a Facebook IQ study revealed that 59% of platform users send more messages today than they did two years ago.

The current challenge is to provide real-time support and for as many people as possible, preferably per message, so that this new demand can be met. The question that remains is: how to do this without increasing costs with call centers? The answer is in the chatbots.

In a recent case of MJV for a large Brazilian insurance company, the bot was able to successfully respond to more than 22,000 user interactions at the beginning of its implementation. Most of these contacts even served to trigger certain services of the company.

In other words, chatbot is the way out to massify service and improve the delivery of services, since it can be implemented in different channels and solve a series of customer demands without being necessary to increase the costs of the organization.

Generate more leads for the business

It is not just in the customer service area that chatbots are shocking. Many companies use the tool to generate leads, bringing inputs to the sales and marketing teams. Thats definitely one of the greatest benefits of chatbots. As you can imagine, one of the benefits of chatbots is to spread your message easily.

The marriage between bots and content strategies is very welcome. The tool may request completing a form with user data in exchange for downloading rich materials such as e-books. In addition, you can place requests, schedules, and event subscriptions, for example, other ways to capture leads.

The fact is that experiences with the tool prove the effectiveness in generating leads. It is a way to stimulate the customer through the sales funnel, in a more interactive and innovative format. The most important thing is to have a clear strategy and a good counterpart to offer to your client.

Improve user experience

A Gartner study points out that 89% of companies expect to compete on the basis of quality customer service, but few take effective measures to ensure this. Only 23% of B2B companies have a consumer-centric approach, according to Forrester.

A chatbot can be a powerful tool to ensure excellence in service. After all, it provides quick fixes for a customer who expects more and more interactivity with organizations – in addition to instantaneousness. Added to this, as we have seen, services can be triggered in a more practical and fast way.

Voice-mail interactions are already a strong trend in many industries and provide an excellent user experience. In addition, Artificial Intelligence (AI) enables a more personalized service, since bots learn from previous experiences to better serve the client.

Beyond tangible benefits

When seeking solutions, most companies are interested in achieving tangible, measurable benefits. Of course, there is nothing wrong with this way of thinking, quite the contrary: monitoring indicators is indispensable for the success of any strategy. But there are other points that are important.

In the case of chatbots, we have the element of innovation as a strong motive for adopting the tool. The consumer wants to try out new ways of relating to business. This experimentation, by itself, is already quite attractive and can strengthen the positioning of an organization in the market.

In addition, this novelty encourages customers to relate more to the company. From this engagement, new business opportunities can emerge and, consequently, the better the results.

How to implement a successful strategy?

Now that you know the benefits of chatbots, you’re certainly wondering how to implement a successful strategy in your company. Planning involves some specific areas and one of the main is the design conversation.

In the next post in the chatbots series, let’s talk about what is and how the design conversation works. As the activity helps humanize the bot, develop a more appropriate language and conversational flow champion. 

Before that, a good recommendation is to read our e-book “Chatbots: the definitive guide to implement them in your business“. Download it now and start to dig deeper into it!
